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Want To Geometrically Grow Your Company Online?

Manage Promises Not People

How To Create a Self-Managing Team 

Testimonials: Manage Promises Not People

No one wants to be micromanaged, but that is what happens in most organizations when you have to manage the person instead of their promises.  

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There Is NO CATCH!

This contributes to developing an “Abdication of Accountability” environment, where performing employees have more work and less time and underperforming employees have less work and more time. As a result, team performance, morale, and communication decline.
Eric focuses on simplifying leadership to guide you through successfully building a self-managing team and increasing productivity. He challenges them to examine and raise their standards of behavior. Have more powerful conversations with those they lead and create a culture of ownership. Your leaders will leave this presentation with the concepts that will make them more effective and the confidence to make it happen.
  • It's my way of saying thank you for being a dedicated subscriber.
  • ​Because (unlike other "guru's") I don't make all of my money teaching others how to make money (I actually run real businesses online selling supplements, physical products, software, and more)... so because of that, it doesn't hurt me to share with you my best stuff.​
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  • I'm kinda a show off... I'm not going to lie. I'm sick of people throwing out conversion numbers and their stats without any real proof to back it up. I think 99% of what is said online is complete BS... so I thought it would be a breath of fresh air to publish the TRUTH, show the actual stats and #'s behind what we do, and well... honestly, I just want you to think I'm cool. :)

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